Marketing tool for manufacturers

Email Campaigns

Keep your architect fanbase engaged and your business growing by communicating with data-driven email campaigns!

The proven power of BIMobject email campaigns

Email campaigns are a powerful marketing tool. They provide a direct line of communication with your audience, that can significantly impact business growth and success.

Email campaigns launched through the BIMobject platform consistently achieve remarkable success with a 58% higher open rate than the industry average, showcasing our platform's exceptional performance.

(Benchmarks in Architecture & Construction, Mailchimp 2019).

Build lasting specifier relationships with personalized communication

Are you launching a new product on the BIMobject marketplace? Have you improved your BIM content? Are you participating in a trade show? With our built-in email marketing tool, you can reach a pool of architects and engineers.

Cultivate trust, loyalty, and lasting customer relationships by regularly delivering valuable content through email campaigns, establishing your brand as a trusted industry leader.

Our updated tool makes marketing on BIMobject more potent than ever - simplifying your workflow and offering more options for customization. So what are you waiting for? Reach out to millions of AEC professionals today!
Max Parkosidis
Max Parkosidis
Product Manager / Business Solution Manager, BIMobject

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E-book - Email Campaigns with BIMobject

Grab your own copy of our e-book, and discover our new and improved Email Campaign tool.

By filling the form, you will get:

  • Our popular e-book with tips and ready-to-use subject lines for successful email campaigns. 
  • A demo with one of our experts; learn how to create engaging email experiences.
  • How to grow, segment and engage your architect and engineering audiences on


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