Webinar: What is BIM?

Get the basics on Building Information Modeling in 20 minutes.

BIM is no longer just a buzzword in the construction industry but has become a vital requirement for projects worldwide. With the increasing adoption of BIM, a comprehensive understanding of its capabilities is essential for all stakeholders. 

This 20-minute free webinar by Matthew Jackson, Director of Business Development, is right up your alley. In this informative workshop, you will get a firm grasp of BIM, how it works, and why manufacturers can – and need to – get involved.

Unlocking the power of BIM: trends, benefits and insights.

The presentation aims to give you a broad overview of BIM fundamentals, tailored to make the concept easy for anyone, regardless of their level of experience or knowledge. You will dive into the what, the why, the how, and the trends driving its adoption in the building industry. 

This informative session offers a unique opportunity to gain insight into the latest trends, how BIM is changing the way building projects are conceptualized, designed, and executed, and how it is paving the way for more sustainable buildings. 

Whether you're a manufacturer, an architect, an engineer, or a contractor, this webinar is the perfect opportunity to grasp how BIM can benefit your business. Take advantage of this opportunity and learn from one of the industry's experts! 👉

What you'll learn from this BIM basics webinar

After watching this 20-minute webinar (+ 10-minute Q&A), you'll get a firmer grasp of:

  • What BIM is – and isn't
  • The evolution of BIM
  • Why BIM: productivity, cost, and sustainability
  • Industry trends: drivers of BIM adoption
  • How BIM works

And much, much more!

Get more on building information modeling:


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