Targeting the right audience
Identifying your target audience is crucial for effective marketing. For manufacturers in the construction industry, AEC professionals—Architects, Engineers, and Construction experts—are primary targets. Understanding their roles and preferences is essential for tailoring your marketing efforts.
But are you clear on how to reach your target audience today? Your answer is BIM (Building information modeling)!
BIM has become the go-to method for working digitally in construction, bringing a fresh wave of innovation to the industry. BIM helps people who build and maintain buildings understand everything about them, from how they look to how they work.
Sounds interesting? You can get a BIM crash course in this webinar.
In marketing terms, BIM is indispensable for audience data tracking and understanding the needs of AEC professionals.
You might be wondering… why BIM is so important to AECs. BIM is how AECs work in the modern age; it is how they discover products for their projects. That means BIM is the vehicle for getting your products discovered and specified. According to USP’s Architectural Barometer Q4 2023 report, 44% of architects utilized BIM in 2022. This number is expected to rise to 61% by 2025.
BIM adoption and the number of governments mandating BIM for construction projects in both public and private sectors is on the rise. As a result, BIM is rerouting purchasing decisions and forcing manufacturers to rethink their marketing strategies to get their products discovered.
BIM is becoming a legal necessity worldwide. Complying with BIM standards is no longer optional if you want to be considered in your current market or enter new ones.
Do you want to know if your market mandates BIM? This FREE global guide to BIM mandates and initiatives will give you the answer—and much more.